Sunday, April 6, 3:00 p.m. House concert in Takoma Park, MD at the home of Kathie Mack. Contact her at at, or call 301-270-5367 (leave a voicemail; landline doesn’t take texts). Suggested minimum donation: $15. Contributions of food and drink to share are most welcome.
Thursday, April 10 - 7:30 p.m. Special program "Chronicles of the Chesapeake" at The Keese School. The event will be held at the Roseborough Theatre, on your right about 100 yards past the 301 Odendhal Ave (Gaithersburg, MD 20877) entrance to Asbury Methodist Village. The performance is sponsored by the Keese School, a fifty-year old all-volunteer cultural and educationl program organized by AMV residents. Non-resident and unregistered resident audience members pay $10 at the door. For more information contact Kathleen O'Toole or (301) 987-6513.
Thursday, May 8, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Music sail on Argia from Steamboat Wharf in Mystic, CT. Have you been missing the days of music sails on our local waters? Now's the chance to have that marvelous experience again! Go to and hit the Special Sails tab to get tickets. Hope you can come along!
Sunday, May 25, 10 a.m. Service at the UU Congregation of South County, 27 North Road, Wakefield, RI 02879 or call (401) 783-4170. I am presenting the complete service "Give Light: Finding Hope in Dark Times". In this service I offer a palette of dark and light through music to help navigate what feels like a dark time for us and our nation. I urge us all to recognize and accept some darker parts and challenges of our history as a nation using John Nicholas' song "America, It's You" to reference the Trail of Tears, the Civil War, and the ongoing struggle of migrant workers. Then I turn to the struggles of the Civil Rights movement, and in particular the Selma marches of 1965, to illustrate the people's power to resist oppression. Several more songs speak to this and how we can be the light that is needed to get us though, ending with two songs that the congregation can join me on.
Thursday, June 5, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Music sail on Argia from Steamboat Wharf in Mystic, CT. Have you been missing the days of music sails on our local waters? Now's the chance to have that marvelous experience again! Go to and hit the Special Sails tab to get tickets. Hope you can come along!
Friday 6/6 – Sunday 6/8 Fourth Annual Connecticut Sea Music Festival in Essex, CT. Friday Music of the Sea Symposium from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday evening concerts; Saturday and Sunday daytime workshops; as well as Chantey Sails on the RiverQuest and Onrust. For all the details go to:
Sunday, July 27 – Saturday, August 2 Sailing and singing on the J & E Riggin. Boarding on Sunday night the 21st in Rockland, ME and disembarking on Saturday morning. We sail wherever the wind blows us around Penobscot Bay and I do programs each day and concerts each night. I think there are spaces left so contact them at if you might be able to come!
Saturday, August 2, 7 p.m. Concert at the Sail, Power, and Steam Museum, Old Snow Shipyard, 75 Mechanic Street, Rockland, ME. Call 207-596-0200 for tickets and directions.
Tuesday – Thursday, August 5 – 7 Sweet Chariot Music Festival. Concerts each night with the most amazing gathering of astounding musicians you never heard of. Go to for all the details.
Thursday, September 11 &nash; 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Music sail on Argia from Steamboat Wharf in Mystic, CT. Have you been missing the days of music sails on our local waters? Now's the chance to have that marvelous experience again! Go to and hit the Special Sails tab to get tickets. Hope you can come along!
Friday, January 10, 2025, 7:30 p.m. Friday Night Folk. All Souls Congregation, 19 Jay Street, New London. I'll be doing this annual concert solo again this year so I hope you can join me for some favorites from my latest album and some other songs that I feel speak to the moment. This will be in person and livestreamed on All Souls New London's YouTube Channel. Go to for more info. Tickets are on sale now at or call the church office at 860-443-0316 weekdays from 9–3 for reservations.
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Music sail on Argia from Steamboat Wharf in Mystic, CT. Have you been missing the days of music sails on our local waters? Now's the chance to have that marvelous experience again! Go to and hit the Special Sails
tab or go to to get tickets. Hope you can come along!
Sunday, September 8, 2024, 4–6 p.m. Concert in the Gazebo in Wilcox Park, Westerly, RI. One of my favorite places to sing amidst the beauty of the grand trees of the park. This is a free event but I'll have my fishing creel for donations and recordings available. Go to for further details.
Saturday, August 10, 2024 Port Jefferson Sea Shanty and Maritime Music Festival at Harborfront Park in Port Jefferson, NY (a five minute walk from the Cross Sound Ferry).
Tuesday, August 6 – Thursday, August 8, 2024 Sweet Chariot Music Festival. Concerts each night with the most amazing gathering of astounding musicians you never heard of. Go to for all the details.
Saturday, July 27, 2024, 7 p.m. Concert at the Sail, Power, and Steam Museum, Old Snow Shipyard, 75 Mechanic Street, Rockland, ME. Call 207-596-0200 for tickets and directions.
Sunday, July 21 – Saturday, July 29, 2024 Sailing and singing on the J & E Riggin. Boarding on Sunday night the 21st in Rockland, ME and disembarking on Saturday morning. We sail wherever the wind blows us around Penobscot Bay and I do programs each day and concerts each night. There are spaces left so contact them at if you might be able to come!
Sunday, May 5, 3:00–5:00 p.m. Music sail on Argia from Steamboat Wharf in Mystic, CT. Have you been missing the days of music sails on our local waters? Now's the chance to have that marvelous experience again! Go to and hit the Special Sails tab or go to to get tickets. Hope you can come along!
Sunday, March 17, 10:30 a.m. Sunday service at UUCongregation of Binghamton: "Democracy Unveiled in Song" (see description for Sunday, March 3 in Kingston). Go to for directions.
Saturday, March 16, 7:30 concert Cranberry Coffeehouse at Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 183 Riverside Drive in Binghamton, NY. $10 suggested donation at the door. Go to for details.
Friday, March 15, 7:30 concert MAAS, 1325 N. Randolph Street, Philadelphia. Suggested donation $20, doors open at 7:00. Go to for more information.
Sunday, March 3, 10:30 a.m Sunday service at UUCongregation of the Catskills, 320 Sawkill Road, Kingston, N.Y. My service is titled "Democracy Unveiled in Song". This service asks us to take a careful look at the nature and state of our "democracy" in the United States. Until recently, many of us, including the speaker, may have taken its security for granted, but now it is clearly in peril and we must ask: how do we respond? I seek the answer through the music of Leonard Cohen ("Democracy Is Coming to the USA"), David Mallett ("Celebration"), Tommy Sands ("Daughters and Sons"), and Charlie King ("She Would Not Stop Knocking at the Door") along with the words of MLK set to music by Eileen Vance.
Saturday, March 2 Featured performer at the Hudson River Folk Guild monthly open mic at UUCongregation of the Catskills, 320 Sawkill Road, Kingston, N.Y. Program starts at 7:30 and my set is around 8:30. Go to for directions and more info.
Friday, March 1 Concert at Jenkins Family House, 26 West 89th Street and Central Park West. 6:45 Door, 7:30 Show. $20 donation for each reservation, all of which goes to the performer. RSVP to Sandi Jenkins at Please bring a beverage or snack for the shared concert buffet. Dress is casual and the concert is on a fourth floor walkup.
Saturday, February 18 – Saturday, February 25, 2024 Danny O’Flaherty’s 35th Anniversary Musical Caribbean Cruise. If you, or anyone you know might be interested, contact Terri Clark at or call her at 703-622-9907.
Friday, January 12, 2024 Friday Night Folk 7:30 p.m. All Souls Congregation, 19 Jay Street, New London. I'll be doing this annual concert solo again this year so I hope you can join me for some favorites and some new songs that have caught my fancy and teasers from a new album I'm recording. This will be in person and livestreamed at Go to for more info. Reserve your seat on Humanitix! $17 advance, $20 at the door (students and active Military with ID $10), or call the church office at 860-443-0316 weekdays 9–3 for reservations.
Friday, September 9, 3:00–3:45 p.m. 45 minute set as part of the CT Maritime Heritage Festival.
Tuesday–Thursday, August 1–3 Sweet Chariot Music Festival. Concerts each night with the most amazing gathering of astounding musicians you never heard of.
Sunday, July 30, 5–7 p.m. Pre Sweet Chariot Festival (see above) concert, Rockport Harbor, outdoor concert, 5–7 p.m. (with extension possible if it's a happening) Sunday, July 30 as part of a Town Concert Series. The whole gang that heads to Swans Island the next day will be there, down by the harbor.
Saturday, July 29, 7 p.m. Concert at the Sail, Power, and Steam Museum, Old Snow Shipyard, 75 Mechanic Street, Rockland, ME. Call 207-596-0200 for tickets and directions.
Monday, July 23 – Saturday, July 29 Sailing and singing on the J & E Riggin. Boarding on Sunday night the 22 in Rockland, ME and disembarking on Saturday morning. We sail wherever the wind blows us around Penobscot Bay and I do programs each day and concerts each night. There are spaces left so contact them at if you might be able to come!
Sunday, July 9, 43–6 p.m. Garden concert at the home of Pam and Wayne Finkle in Wallingford, CT. We did this last year and it was a delight to sing in such a lovely setting due to the care with which Wayne has done the landscaping. Just so Pam know how many are attending I ask you to contact her at for directions and details.
Friday, June 20, 43–5 p.m. StoneRidge, 186 Jerry Browne Road, Mystic, Connecticut. This is a concert for the residents, but you could call 860-572-5600 and ask for Michele Walworth to see if others can attend.
Friday, June 23 3– Sunday, June 25 Old Songs - Music with Roots Festival in Voorheesville, NY. An incredible gathering of talent performing at eleven different stages/locations. I’m in six workshops with others and doing short set in the Sunday Afternoon Concert.
Tuesday, June 13, 3–6 p.m. City of Groton Farmers Market at Washington Park Corner of Mitchell and Meridian Streets, Groton, CT.
Friday, June 9 to Sunday June 11 Second Annual Connecticut Sea Music Festival in Essex, CT. Friday Music of the Sea Symposium from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Friday and Saturday evening concerts; Saturday and Sunday daytime workshops, as well as Chantey Sails on the RiverQuest and Onrust.
Rescheduled: Saturday, February 25, 2003 Saturday, October 29, 2022, 8 p.m. People's Voice Cafe, Judson Memorial Church Assembly Hall (not the main sanctuary on West 4th St.), 239 Thompson Street, between West 3rd and West 4th Streets, New York, NY 10012. For info call 212-787-3903 or go to for more information or to get tickets for the live or livestream concert.
Saturday, January 28, 2023, 4 p.m. Key West Library, 700 Fleming St, Key West, FL. I've done this concert once before a couple of years ago and it's great fun in a lovely setting.
Friday, January 13, 2023, 7:30 p.m. Friday Night Folk. All Souls Congregation, 19 Jay Street, New London. I'll be doing this annual concert solo again this year, so I hope you can join me for some favorites and some new songs that have caught my fancy. This will be in person and livestreamed on the All Souls New London YouTube channel. Go to for more info. Tickets are on sale now, or call the church office at 860-443-0316 weekdays from 9 to 3 for reservations.
Sunday, December 4, 2022, 4 p.m. Music at the Ridge. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury, 24 Clapboard Ridge Road. This is an exciting new series that I am honored to be a part of. It will be both in person and livestreamed so I hope a lot of you can attend one way or the other. Go to for more info and for tickets.
Sunday, October 23, 2022, 10 a.m. 10 a.m. Service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of South County, 27 North Road, Wakefield, RI 02879 (or call 401-783-4170). I am presenting the complete service: "Democracy Unveiled in Song". This service asks us to take a careful look at the nature and state of our "democracy" in the United States. Until recently, many of us, including the speaker, may have taken its security for granted, but now it is clearly in peril and we must ask: how do we respond? I seek the answer through the music of Leonard Cohen, David Mallett, Tommy Sands, and Charlie King along with the words of MLK set to music by Eileen Vance. People are welcome to attend in person, but the service will be available on a simulcast zoom. Link is on the UUCSC website.
Now available on YouTube! Friday, October 14, 2022, 7 p.m. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The Helen Creighton Folklore Society in collaboration with the Dartmouth Heritage Museum will stage "Helen and Pete: A Celebration of the Lifelong Friendship of Helen Creighton and Pete Seeger". An evening of both music and spoken word will be held at Christchurch, Dartmouth, on Friday, October 14 at 7 p.m. Tickets for this event are $25 and are available through Eventbrite. The researcher, writer, and narrator for the event, Clary Croft, was Dr. Helen Creighton's protegé and biographer, and through his decades of work has carried on the tradition of Canada's "First Lady of Folklore". Clary says this event has been years in the planning and, although delayed by the pandemic, will now be presented. Clary says, "Helen and Pete, are two greats from the world of folk music; their friendship was warm, sometimes rocky, but always came back to mutual respect and affection." Using their own words from diaries, letters and commentaries, this production also features many of the songs pivotal in their era. Special guest Geoff Kaufman, currently based in Connecticut, will share his experiences and songs of his time working with Pete. Other performers besides Geoff Kaufman and Clary Croft are musicians and singers Leo Feinstein, Patricia Dickson, Sandy Greenberg, Jim Smith, and MITE Theatre directed by Janice Cruddas. "Christchurch is the perfect venue for this wonderful presentation." says Clary, noting that it was the family church for Dr. Creighton. Further information can be found at the Helen Creighton Folklore Society Website or on Facebook through the Helen Creighton Folklore Society page.
Sunday, February 14, 2021, 8:00–9:15 p.m. (EST) Valentines Concert: Love Songs for Grownups (free concert via Facebook Live)
Nobody could have planned a better way to finish off the Alliance's Annual Meeting & Conference! If I seemed somewhat speechless after your performance, it was simply because I was overwhelmed and couldn't find the words to say.
Elizabeth H. Howard, The Alliance of New York State Arts Councils, Inc.